Let us begin with what is happening in our time. People are making decisions based on ridiculous assumptions brought on by selfish people who only care about a cause that is surface deep.The problem with this is that it does make a deep and lasting affect on the minds of the young and old. While the old will not be here for to much longer the young will. A great percentage of this decisions based on the assumptions are negative going against the grain going against nature so to speak. The question for us who are aware of this is what are we going to do about it? First we need to tell the people that this is happening and please have an open mind about all of it. We can never get everyone to listen but I think we can bring back higher standard of living.

The word metanoia is a religious word so I am not telling you to become religious but believe in a being that once set a higher standard that we used to live by. Peoples hearts and minds and self are being changed to believe If we don’t like someone or something than we should bully the hell out of it.Have you noticed society very seldom mentions bulling anymore it is becoming a way of life now and it needs to stop!